Yesterday I marched alongside thousands of other women, men and children in the Women’s March in London. The turnout was remarkable and somewhat overwhelming. In London organisers expected 20,000 - there turned out to be 100,000. In Washington they’d expected 200,000 and over 500,000 or more showed up – far larger than the crowds who attended Trump’s inauguration the day before. To see such a diverse and vibrant mix of men, women and children standing together in solidarity was not only extremely powerful but also extremely rare and something that I’m very proud to have been part of. It was an incredible day and one which will stay with me for a long, long time.
In the run up to the march various articles circulated along the lines of ‘Why I’m Taking Part in the Womens March’. Personally the question wasn't so much why would you march (the words racism, homophobia, white supremacy, misogyny, sexism, ignorance are probs just a few that spring to ming…). The question was instead 'Why Would I Not Take Part in The Womens March'. I couldn’t think of one answer.
For me yesterday was about taking on some personal responsibility for the events that are happening around the world. It is all too easy for us to turn on our TVs, shake our heads in disbelief and devolve all responsibility by blaming others for what is happening. Yesterday was about recognising that we each have an individual responsibility to stand up and protect the fundamental rights and freedoms that are currently under threat. It was about recognising that as an individual you can have an impact no matter how small you may think that maybe - not by impulsively posting an outraged tweet or facebook post but by getting up from behind your screen, making a stand and having your voice heard in public. Ultimately it was about saying that enough is enough - we cannot and will not lie down and take this sh*t any longer. If we aren't each prepared to take a stand for what we believe in, to take a stand for equality and diversity, we cannot expect others to do it for us.
My friend Jen made a great short film yesterday which you can find it here!