Over the next month we are asking various women who are living life of their own terms a series of short questions. The purpose? To highlight that 'success' has a different definition for each and everyone of us, to highlight both our failures and our achievements and to start thinking about how we can each have a positive impact for the future generation....
10% of tickets sales from our last event 'Drinks, Debate, Debunk: Debating the 21st Century Woman' was donated to the Young Women's Trust, a charity that helps young women on low or no pay. Our latest Q&A is with Chloe Magee who sits on the Advisory Panel of YWT, works as a carer and support worker and volunteers with Doncaster Children's Services Trust. She is 24 and from Doncaster.

1. What does success mean to you in 3 words?
Achieving your goals.
2. What’s your biggest achievement?
I've achieved lots of positive goals over the last couple of years, but the one I am proudest of is finally finding a job I love, after being unhappy at work all my adult life & being so good at it I was named Employee of The Year 2016.
3. What’s your biggest failure?
It's really difficult to think of a specific failure that I want to parade on the internet! So I'm going to generalise and say that I should have sat down and had a serious think about what I want out of life a long time ago, instead of having to be pushed into it by events I had no control over. This being said, though, I don't have any regrets.
4. What do you love about yourself most?
I love that, no matter how bad things are, I eventually pick myself up and get on with it. I come out of bad situations with lessons learned and am much wiser because of them. If I am unhappy with something that is out of my control, I try to change my perspective, and this makes me feel a lot calmer.
5. What’s your biggest insecurity?
I always feel like I'm not doing enough, and worry about what I'm going to do next, which sometimes leads to me rushing into things when I should probably just be taking things steady.
6. What advice would you give yourself to a woman half your age (12)?
Take time to find out who you are, surround yourself with positive people, and start to set long-term goals. Don't worry about how other people see you – you can't control that but you can control how you see yourself, so see yourself in a positive light and be confident.
7. What is your biggest concern for The Future Generation and what would you do to change this?
My biggest fear is that there will be a lack of opportunity and stability for young people. I would like to see an end to things like zero hours contracts, and low-paid apprenticeships, and we need apprenticeships for women in a wider range of sectors.
Want to answer the AW Q&A... get in touch we would love to hear from you at info@above-water.co.uk. You can keep updated on our news and latest events by liking and following us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @LifeAboveWater