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Q&A with the Foster Carer | Jane Elliott Young

Over the next month we are asking various women who are living life of their own terms a series of short questions. The purpose? To highlight that 'success' has a different definition for each and everyone of us, to highlight both our failures and our achievements and to start thinking about how we can each have a positive impact for the future generation....

Jane Elliott-Young is 49 years young, a mother of 3 and a Local Authority Foster Carer. After moving back to the UK from living in Canada four years ago she decided to start fostering and currently cares for a 6 year old girl who has been in long term care with Jane for 2 years. In her own words Jane says 'Fostering is very rewarding, although also extremely draining and pushes your patience to the limit.' Her 3 children are 27, 25 and 12 and she also has 2 grandchildren.

What does success mean to you in 3 words?

My biggest achievement is starting and running 2 businesses, caring for my children, whilst trying to stop my ex husband from blowing all the money.

What's your biggest failure?

My biggest failure is moving to Canada, none of us being happy there and using up every penny we had to do it. After living in Canada for 2 years, away from my family, it certainly made me realise how important family and close friends are to me.

What do you love about yourself most?

I wouldn't say that I loved myself.

What's your biggest insecurity?

My biggest insecurity is something bad happening to one of my children, which makes me quite over protective (does that count as insecurity)??

What advice would you give to someone half your age?

I am 49. The advice I would give to a woman half my age, would be to live life to the full, never ever let a man control you, don't stay in a marriage if you are not happy (you only live once), enjoy your children whilst they are young (they grow up far too quickly) and don't be materialistic.

What is your biggest concern for The Future Generation and what would you do to change this?

My biggest concern for the future generation is technology. I feel as though most people spend far too much time on their phones/tablets, and they do not communicate with each other anymore. If I could make a change for the future, it would be for everyone to be less dependent on mobile phones and spend more time talking to their family and friends, having phone free time.

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