Over the next month we are asking various women who are living life of their own terms a series of short questions. The purpose? To highlight that 'success' has a different definition for each and everyone of us, to highlight both our failures and our achievements and to start thinking about how we can each have a positive impact for the future generation....
Natalie Bardega is 38 and co-founder of Tease and Totes, a fashion brand and community for Women on the rise. Through their empowering Slogans and Weekly Wednesday Woman interviews and charity partnerships they hope to empower other women and girls around the world.

What does success mean to you in 3 words?
Following your passion.
What’s your biggest achievement?
I would have to say quitting a very well paid job working for a high street retailer to find my passion again. After working in the fashion industry for over 14 years, I found that I had become extremely unhappy, disillusioned in a job I once loved and working all hours which was actually making me sick so I took the decision to quit with no new job and no idea what to do next. So I decided to take 3 months off and travel across the States by myself.
Some people thought I was crazy, others brave but to me it was to rediscover myself and find my passion without all the daily noise. I just wasn’t in a happy place so decided to make a change. I travelled from the west coast to the east coast stopping for a few days in each place, it was an incredible experience, I found that I could do it alone and became passionate about photography, nature and reading, it completely reset my life.
I also realised that I still loved fashion but wanted to find the right company to work for, in the end after talking with my twin we decided to work for ourselves and set up a business that joined our passions. That’s why we always say that Tease and Totes is much more than a fashion brand it’s a Sisterhood.
What’s your biggest failure?
Wow that’s a tough one, I would have to say losing my passion for my work. I think life is too short not to have fire in your belly and I really failed not only myself but also those around me.You should always give 100% in anything you do but when you lose your passion you don’t and that is a terrible waste

What do you love about yourself most?
That I treat others how I want to be treated - Sometimes this doesn’t always turn out the way I want it to but I truly believe what you put out there comes back to you. Your actions are a reflection of who you.
Whats’ your biggest insecurity?
I worry how much of our impact our work has. Building your own business is tough, its hard work and long hours. Sometimes late at night the doubt creeps in, is our message getting out there and are we having an empowering impact on our community?, then I will get a message from a customer on how our product made them feel or how they loved and feel inspired by our recent Wednesday Woman blog and my insecurity is put to rest.
What advice would you give yourself to a woman half your age?

Well that would make me 19 - I guess I would tell myself and any girl at that age not to undervalue yourself. I think most young girls have insecurities that they aren’t pretty enough,clever enough, brave enough and we have the tendency to compare ourselves to others and I was no different. So I guess I would say, don’t worry about what others think of you, you’ll find your own way. Build your sisterhood because there is nothing like your tribe who has your back!
What is your biggest concern for The Future Generation and what would you do to change this?
The lack of visibility and celebration of successful women. At Tease and Totes we are giving voices to Women who are doing amazing things on our blog, which include: Commissioner Dany Cotton, the first woman to be awarded the Queen’s Fire Service Medal; Olympic gold medalist Kate Richardson-Walsh, Captain for GB and England Women’s Hockey; and entrepreneurs such as Emma Sinclair, who was the youngest person to launch an IPO (initial public offering on the stock market) in this country.
We really want to increase the visibility of Women on the rise to show women and the future generation that anything is possible but it’s hard to be what you can’t see.Women have and continue smashing boundaries and we need to ensure these women are celebrated, it’s only the start so I hope the future generation continues to shine a light for those who come after.

Image from Instagram @coral_pearl_ wearing Tease and Tote #GirlPowertee in aid of Worldreader. See more and buy online at http://www.teaseandtotes.com/
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