Over the next month we are asking various women who are living life of their own terms a series of short questions. The purpose? To highlight that 'success' has a different definition for each and everyone of us, to highlight both our failures and our achievements and to start thinking about how we can each have a positive impact for the future generation....
Meg Dyos is 26 and currently training to be an English Teacher in South East London. After working as an Estate Agent in London, and having never rowed before, she was selected to be part of The Coxless Crew, the first all female crew to row the Pacific. She is particularly passionate about inspiring young people and women to reach their full potential and strongly believes that 'The only person that should be able to hold you back is yourself, not your sex, not your background, not your race - we are all equal.' Here is Meg's Q&A....

What does success mean to you in 3 words?
Inspired, happy and proud
What’s your biggest achievement?
Being selected to be a part of The Coxless Crew, the first ever all female team to row across the Pacific Ocean. Between the six of us, we rowed 9,000 miles across the Pacific ocean rowing unsupported from America to Australia setting two world records.
What’s your biggest failure?
My biggest failure is my inability to say no to humous EVER. Humous is my favourite food, and is my longest ever relationship.

What do you love about yourself most?
My ability to find humour in the darker sides of life. This isn’t always a positive, but for me its always better to laugh than cry.
Whats’ your biggest insecurity?
My biggest insecurity is my constant checking in on myself that my life is interesting and fun, and that I always feel happy and sure about what I am doing. This is not realistic, and life isn’t always any of the above, but I find myself getting concerned and have an ability to escape and start a new project, or go to a new place, or sign up to a new challenge.

What advice would you give yourself to a woman half your age?
Don’t compare yourself to everyone else. We are all guilty of looking on social media and seeing what our friends are doing. BE HAPPY FOR THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE, and don’t bother even thinking about the people you don’t. Cut people out of your life that don’t make you smile, and live with your head high. Make the most of the moment, as you are meant to be exactly where you are right now.
What is your biggest concern for The Future Generation and what would you do to change this?
That we don’t look up and smell the flowers. We are either working too hard, or totally engrossed in an electronic device. My concern is that we won’t know how to fully listen to each other, we won’t know how to be fully in the moment without wondering where our phone is, we won’t ever get lost.
For more information on The Coxless Crew and their upcoming documentary 'Loosing Sight of the Shore' see http://coxlesscrew.com/