I’m not into the whole ‘New Year's Resolutions / New Year New Me’ - if you really want to change something you just need to start today, not on January 1st. Half of resolutions are so unrealistic anyway, it’s no surprise that by January 15th 95% of people have broken them. Rather than setting a goal for the year I’m doing a different project each month based around different areas in life - it’s more about the why rather than the what. Why a different one each month? I can't do them all at once and research suggests it takes 28 days to form a new habit so it should put that theory to the test. Hopefully it’ll challenge me, I’ll learn a bit along the way too and by sharing this post it not only gives me accountability but a few people might want to get involved too...

What? Doing Veganuary - no animal products in my diet - https://veganuary.com/
Why? How cliche to start January with the diet one but this isn't because of image / wanting to loose weight, it's for health and environment reasons. I’m a big believer in you are what you eat but I’ve become increasingly mindless about what I’m putting into my body. Going vegan will force me to think about what/why I’m eating and the impact it has both on my health and on the environment.
What? Digital detox
Why? Tech can be used in a very positive way but we all know that too much of isn't good - increases depression, stress, sleep disorder. It’s an addiction, it releases dopamine and as with any addiction, the more you feed it the worse it gets. I’ve definitely felt the negative effects of tech more recently as my time sat behind a computer/ phone/ TV has gone up. As much as I’d love to go on a digital detox for a month, unless you live in a self-sufficient commune in the outer Hebrides you can’t - we live in a digital age and you have to accept that. So rather than a full blown month detox I’ll be doing 1) no tech one day a week, 2) no screen time post 7pm each day, 3) deleting Facebook app from my phone and 3) keeping my phone outside my bedroom (I’ll buy an alarm clock). (Definitely worth watching this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeAtNduPFmI)
What? Random act of kindness each day
Why? It’s very easy to get caught up in our own lives, focus on the negative stuff rather than appreciating what we have - giving helps reevaluate and put things into perspective. Giving isn't encouraged enough within our society either - whilst we're more than happy to go and spend £3 a day on a coffee, not so many of us spend £3 a month for a coffee for a guy on the street. Hopefully by sharing different ideas and giving more in April it’ll encourage other to do the same.
What? Run a marathon / 26.4 miles per week (split over various days)
Why? I know how important exercise is both for my physical and mental health but I’ve got lazy with it. By setting a certain distance rather than ‘exercise 3 times per week’ it works better for my schedule so I don't have any excuses.

What? Meditate for 15 minutes each day
Why? I’m determined to get this ‘meditation’ thing nailed. I know that there’s science behind it with it ability to improve wellbeing but in our time pressured lives have you tried sitting in a room for 15 minutes on your own with no distractions?! Sounds easy but its really hard.
What? Meet a friend once a week, write a letter once a week, phone family once a week
Why? Technology has made us more connected than ever yet in real terms we seem to be more disconnected than ever spending more time looking down at our iPhones than we do talking to each other in person. Communication is also so instantaneous nowadays (email, whats app, Facebook) that I rarely put pen to paper. I’m renowned for going AWOL and underground when it comes to keeping in touch with friends and family so this should help combat that one.
What? Spend 30 minutes outside each day | 1st time wild camping alone
Why? Without sounding like too much of a hippy, I really believe that the increasing disconnect were seeing in the world is partly because of the increasing disconnect with nature. Psychologists have also demonstrated that performance can be improved by up 50% to on creative problem-solving tasks by being outside, living close to green spaces has been connected to lower mortality and fewer stress hormones.

What? Don't make any plans outside of work
Why? I know for a fact that I'm happiest when things are uncertain - it makes me enjoy the present rather than worrying about the future. Despite knowing this I'm still continually on a treadmill trying to chase certainty for tomorrow. If 2016 has taught me anything it is life is uncertain - you have no idea what tomorrow will bring. There's a fine balance between working towards a goal and living in the present but by not making plans it'll hopefully make me better at focusing on the 'now'. Plus being spontaneous is always more fun.
What? Draw something everyday
Why? I always thought of myself as ‘not creative’, primarily because it was taught out of me at school because ‘academic’ subjects tended to be seen as superior. I’ve discovered that I’m far more creative than I thought - drawing something everyday will definitely put this to the test.
What? No TV
Why? The majority of TV I watch is complete cr@p, it’s the reality TV shows that do it. The advertising and marketing through TV also has a far greater impact on our subconscious than you think. By eliminating TV, time will be used far more productively and effectively.
DECEMBER - _______
What? _______
Why? I’m leaving this one blank for others to decide for… throw your ideas this way!
I’d love other people to get involved in this too so if you want to let me know or if you want to see something new in December let me know via Facebook, Twitter @LifeAboveWater #AWChallenge17 info@above-water.co.uk