Our 3rd AW Contributor is Lagle Moik. Originally from Estonia, Lagle has been living in London for the past 12 years. She now works in Private Equity but her main passion of sports and fitness has led her to set up her own Nordic Walking business outside of the 9-5. Her aim through Nordic Walking is to help others discover the same passion and respect for a fit, healthy lifestyle as she has whilst also helping clients find confidence, strength and happiness within themselves. Outside of sport, Lagle also loves cultural exchange, food, wine and travelling. See more: Insta: lagle_nordicsteps www.nordicsteps.com
“Life is a roller coaster just gotta ride it”.
Definitely one of my fav Ronan Keating songs. Looking back on the previous years in preparation to close the final chapter on 2016 what a journey I have been part of. The last year has been very tough, full of tears, anger, broken heart and disappointment but without that transformational change I would not be the person I am today and wouldn’t be where I’m now.
This is my HAPPY place, but to get here I had to lose myself and again find myself. All these years I was searching for happiness outside of myself and that is fundamental mistake. No one can make you happy until you are happy with yourself first. Happiness is something you are and it comes from the way you think. All these years I was convening myself that a great well paid job and a fancy job title makes me happy. I was lost and restless inside me. I was under the pressure of modern life. I wanted to be an amazing career woman. I was comparing myself to other people. I saw their careers blossoming because they were far more successful than me.
"All these years I was searching for happiness outside of myself and that is fundamental mistake. No one can make you happy until you are happy with yourself first."
I wanted the perfect relationship, we all construct the ideal relationship in our heads. Our hearts are tossed around by romantic comedies and with happy endings. The biggest problem with modern relationship is that we are obsessed with happily ever after’s. Don’t get me wrong my ex did put the ring on it but our love story came to an end but the memories remain forever.
And then I had to STOP….Anxiety moment! What’s wrong with me? I failed to appreciate what I already had.

It’s not about your fancy job title. It’s good to have some money and the things money can buy but, its good too to check in a while make sure you haven’t lost the things money can’t buy.
I’m looking back at my career with a big smile and say “I can’t believe what an amazing journey I had and how much I have achieved during these years." I don’t have and don’t care about my job title. I realized that I was underestimating myself and my ability. When I felt rejected from something good I was actually re-directed for something better. Success for me it’s not about materialism, it’s about amazing positive attitude, and outlook on life. It is about good health and amazing relationships. And what you feel NOW is what I am going to attract now and in the future.
"I was underestimating myself and my ability."
I know my life partner is out there but meanwhile I need to get on with my life. Maybe it’s not about the happy ending….maybe it’s about the story. Time to focus on how I’m living now. It’s about living life in balance and harmony. It about things that make me happy and ME!
I get out of bed with a smile on my face and start each day by affirming peaceful, thankful and happy attitude and let go all these things and people that make me sad and no longer serve me simply for the reason that they are too heavy and stop me living and achieving my dreams.
Ten years from now, I want to make sure I can say that I chose my life and didn’t settle for it. I am looking forward to continue my personal journey and continue living the life of my dreams today, in every little way I possible can.
Note: No edits are made to our Contributors article / interviews - in the over-edited and filtered world in which we now live we think it is both important and refreshing to keep responses as they are.