"Life is only a visit and you should live it to the full!" Sil Seddue

Sil Seddue is one of the reasons Above Water was established. It is to show how we all have the ability to inspire other women through sharing our own unique story and the incredible ripple effect that this can have. It is to make us realise that we don't need to look to social media or celebrities with status for inspiration, we should be looking closer to home - to our mothers, sisters, daughters, friends. It is also a platform to highlight that nobody 'has it all' - we all have our own definition of success and our achievements, failures, hopes and insecurities are different for each and every one of us. I had initially intended to edit Contributors responses but in the over-edited and filtered world in which we now live I think it is both important and refreshing to keep responses as they are. Interesting it also highlights how, as women we subconsciously undervalue ourselves in the language we use (see Sil's first sentence...I strongly disagree with use of 'really is not special'!)
Sil is by her own definition 'your typical dwelling person in the UK'. Now in her 50s, she has lived in the same village in North East England since she was born, has a husband, 2 grown up children and has lived in the same house for 35 years. We hadn't spoken for 10 years but after following my Uganda blog on Facebook, Sil sent me a message out of the blue last month "Moving to Detroit for 4 years with my husband's work. I am planning on taking up crafts again and learning the fine art of Canning. I've also contacted the Salvation Army out there to do some volunteering work in the homeless kitchen... You gave me the inspiration to make the leap." How incredible - it is one thing to leave a safe, comfortable life when you're under thirty but to do it slightly later on in life is remarkable. We often confine or define ourselves by our age but age really is just a number - it's never too late and you really are never too old to start a new chapter...

1. Can you briefly describe life up to now and why you have decided to move to America?
My life really is not special - married, worked and brought up 2 children to be independent individuals. I always encouraged them to do well and never depend on any males in their life. So when my husband was offered a chance to move out of the same place he has worked for 38 years and challenge himself in his job, I thought it was about time I took notice of my own words and took the plunge!!! Never thought that in my 50s I would be thinking of moving thousands of miles from my family!
2. What are you going to do in America?
The plan for me in America is to start thinking about me and what I want! Take up my crafts again, learn Canning (which is big in America) and do some voluntary work in the local community.
3. What does success mean to you in 3 words?
Contentment, family, and self worth.
4. What’s your biggest achievement?
Raising 2 girls that have good work ethic and have good family values.
5. What’s your biggest failure?
Not having the confidence to follow my dreams before now!
6. What do you love about yourself most?
I am a giver and will help anyone in need. Be it with advise or food.
7. Whats’ your biggest insecurity?
My biggest insecurity is not being good enough in peoples eyes!
8. What advice would you give yourself to a woman half your age?
If you are given a chance to do something, do it. Life is only a visit and you should live it to the full. and you never know what is around the corner!
9. What is your biggest concern for The Future Generation and what would you do to change this?
The lack of self respect and morals for themselves and others!!!! It seems that a lot of the younger generation think it is ok to sleep around and everything they want any way they can. They should find self respect and values and learn how to help each other.
A lot of old traditions, like cooking, food preserving and crafts are being forgotten as they are not seen as “cool” to do. These thinks can help if times are tough in families and money is short, which can happen at anytime in this day and age.
We are on the look out for more Contributors so if you know someone who thinks has a unique story to share ad inspire others (i.e you!) let us know info@above-water.co.uk

*Sil wanted to stay anonymous and therefore her name has been changed.